DataViewer - Version check

You can download the latest version here.

Recent changes

Version Datum Changes
3.2.0-3505 12.10.2022
  • New filters added
  • Several small bug fixes
3.2.0-3225 01.07.2021
  • Added morphological filters (ISO16610-41)
  • Several small enhancements and bugfixes
3.1.0-3023 02.03.2020
  • Can use one data series as index (Y-over-X display)
  • Read files in CSV format
  • Key F5 reloads from current file
3.0.3-2831 30.05.2019
  • Verschiedene Bugfixes
3.0.2-2756 23.01.2019
  • Fixed bug in license evaluation
  • Installers and executables now signed
3.0.1-2729 10.01.2019
  • Package for roughness filters and parameters has been updated (ISO 4287, ISO 13565, ISO 16610)
  • Options dialog allowing configuration of some functions, especially display and messages
  • Hide and show list columns in main window
  • Open entire folder (each file in it gets opened)
  • Several minor bug fixes
3.0.0-2692 09.11.2018
  • Package for roughness filters and parameters has been updated (ISO 4287, ISO 13565, ISO 16610)
  • Command line option disables GUI to use DataViewer as a pure processing tool (full support of calculation steps)
  • Now available in 64 bit
  • New licensing mechanism (please contact vendor to obtain new license)
2.10.0-2474 03.07.2018
  • Package for roughness filters and parameters has been updated (ISO 4287, ISO 13565, ISO 16610)
2.8.1-2114 06.11.2017
  • Bugfix in calculation dialog
2.8.0-2078 19.10.2017
  • Output of roughness calculation steps can now be copied to the clipboard for further processing
2.7.0-1771 11.05.2017
  • Abbott curve outlier reduction is now a parameter
  • Parameters for calculation steps are now entered using a nice property grid instead of “;”-separated list
  • Export now also saves as MAT-File
  • Support for binary MATLAB level 4 format for measurement results
  • Updated to latest versions of roughness libraries
2.5.0-1085 11.08.2016
  • Via command line parameter “-i”, You can specify an ID so that new files are opened in an existing application instance
2.4.0-822 12.04.2016
  • Checkbox in list header allows showing and hiding all data series at once
  • New menu option “New session” closes all tabs, restores initial application state
  • New calculation steps: Outlier filter, probe ball filter(roughness package)
  • Calculation steps can be hidden when printing
2.3.3-624 03.12.2015
  • Strg + C to export to cache
  • Strg + V to import from cache
2.3.0-365 05.08.2014
  • Using parameter “-u”, a file can be opened with the Auto-Update feature switched on
2.3.0-352 14.04.2014
  • “Save Session” and “Save Session As…” separated
  • Recent files and sessions accessible via menu
  • Movable separator between data and list (Drag&Drop)
  • Gaussian and spline filters available without roughness package
  • Prompts when error occurs on writing to a file
  • .dat files saved on every change, data survives crash etc.
2.3.0-351 14.04.2014
  • NOTE: This version is identical to 2.3.0-352; no update is required.
2.2.4-348 18.12.2013
  • New calculation step types: Median, Minimum and Maximum filters
  • .DVS-Files and saved favorites are now still valid after update of software
2.2.3-340 10.10.2013
  • Parameter format for the calculation steps“Calculate with constant/data series“ changed
  • About dialog inserted
  • Sufficient characters reserved for file path, paths of any length can be used
  • For print views etc. Zoom range for manual input larger than usual
  • Automatic updates control added
2.2.2-323 29.04.2013
  • Changes in the print edition
2.2.2-295 18.03.2013
  • For roughness filters, the infeed/outfeed distance can now be freely set, i.e. it is no longer automatically 1/7 of the total distance in each case